
Hello, I’m Mister Scroop

The world is an astonishing place. There is so much beauty to enjoy. This is a photographic description of one ordinary man’s journey of discovery across the beautiful planet that we call home.

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This is a photographic journey of exploration across this beautiful planet that we call home.

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White bellied sea eagles.

We took a trip to the Sapphire Coast in southern New South Wales. The sea has a magical blue hue, hence the name of the region, but our eyes were too easily diverted from the marvellous sea scape to enjoy the fly past of various white bellied sea eagles (Haliaeetus leucogaster). Continue reading White bellied sea eagles.

Southern Ocean Whales

Southern Right Whales spend the summer months in the cold but productive waters off Antarctica but migrate to the warmer waters off southern Australia during winter for calving. The mother’s often use the sheltered waters close to Australian beaches as a nursery to protect and raise their young during their first vulnerable months. Logan’s Beach… Continue reading Southern Ocean Whales